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Magento "Exception printing is disabled" error

It is common that you may run into a known error in Magento which can occur for a number of reasons, such as when installing extensions or moving the application to a new server: "There has been an error processing your request"

"There has been an error processing your request Exception printing is disabled by default for security reasons. Error log record number: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"

Magento install error - Exception printing is disabled.

Here is the solution:

  1. Navigate to the "errors" folder.
  2. Change local.xml.sample to local.xml
  3. You should now see a new list of crazy errors all over the Magento page - this is okay.
  4. Open magento/lib/Zend/Cache/Backend/File.php and look for:
    protected $_options = array(
    'cache_dir' => 'null',
    Change it to:
    protected $_options = array(
    'cache_dir' => 'tmp/'
  5. Save your changes to File.php
  6. Create a tmp folder in the root Magento folder.
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